Monitor the source chain

Subscribe to TokenCommitted events to detect any commitments made to your address.


Lock funds on the destination chain

  • Generate S and hashlock.
  • When a commitment is detected, call lock() on the destination chain and pass the generated hashlock with timelock of T+2ΔT + 2\Delta.

Verify the commitment lock

  • Monitor the source chain for the TokenLockAdded event (or getDetails() function) on the existing commitment.
  • Once detected, verify that the hashlock matches the one you previously generated.
  • Verify that the timelock provides sufficient time to act, ensuring it is at least T+ΔT + \Delta.
  • Verify that the Id is equal to the original commitment Id in the TokenCommitted event.

(signature flow) hashlock addition on behalf of the user

Call the addLockSig() function, providing both the user’s signature and the message data (Id, hashlock, timelock).


Complete the exchange

  • Once verified, call redeem() on both the source and destination chains.
  • Pass in the previously generated S value.

Edge Case: User Fails to Act on the Solver’s Lock

  • If the commitment is not locked, wait for the timelock to expire.
  • Call refund() on the destination chain to reclaim your funds.