User Swap & Solver Discovery

The user specifies swap details in the dApp. The dApp calls the discover() function of the Discovery contract to get all possible Solvers for the specific swap.


User Commit

The user commits funds by specifying an array of Solvers (Solvers[]) and a timelock, which defines the auction duration. The timelock should allow a reasonable amount of time for the auction to take place. It can exceed the Solver’s lock() timelock but must be reduced in addLock to prevent the Solver from potentially stealing user funds. At this stage, there is no need to specify the srcReceiver; the final srcReceiver will be added during addLock. In the tokenCommitted event, the array of Solvers must be emitted.



All Solvers subscribed to the tokenCommitted event for their respective addresses are notified. The auction ensures, that all specified solvers are registered in the Discovery contract. The auction is executed (treated as a black box with the only requirement that the auction will only execute with Solvers registered in the Discovery contract), and one Solver is selected as the winner to lock the funds.



The user then calls addLock() or addLockSig() with the same data but with a decreased timelock and also specifies the srcReceiver from the original Solvers list, which must be the winning Solver.

The Auction

Work in progress